Monday, December 7, 2020

Virtual Week!!!

We have another week of Virtual Learning this week 12/7-12/11.  It is important that students complete the assignments in Google Classroom and then "Turn In' the assignment. This will allow students to have their responses submitted for a grade. 

Physical Education and Health grades will remain Satisfactory (S), Need Improvement (NI), or Unsatisfactory (U). Assignments are given due dates so students can meet the State Mandate of 150 minutes of PE and Health each week. It is difficult for students to make up the assignments if they miss them, because the 150 minutes is per week and cannot be averaged over a period of time. We have been very lenient in accepting assignments past their due dates. We cannot stress enough that assignments need to be completed by the due date. This will ensure that we are meeting the NJ Health and PE standards. 

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